Lettuce Tell ‘Ya: 4 Books to Build a Love of Vegetables
You’ve pureed them into pesto and snuck them into sauté, so why not stack veggies up on your bookshelf too? We’ve rounded up 4 inspiring books to get your little carrots into a vegtastic frame of mind. Scroll down for our picks.
Veggies with Wedgies by Todd H. Doodler
There’s one surefire way to get your kids thinking good thoughts about vegetables: underwear jokes. This hilarious little book about a farm and the undie-stealing vegetables that live there will score big in your house. As an added bonus it’s perfect for kids transitioning into underwear.
To Market, To Market by Nikki McClure
Olympia, Washington-based Nikki McClure brings her hometown farmers’ market to life through the eyes of a mother and son as they shop for food and interact with vendors on their weekly shopping trip. Meet Michael the apple grower, Benjamin the beekeeper and many more characters that will encourage you to get to know your local producers.
Zora’s Zucchini by Katherine Pyror (author) & Anna Raff (illustrator)
The latest veg book from the duo that brought you Sylvia’s Spinach, Zora’s Zucchini does not disappoint. This playful story about a girl whose zucchini keeps growing and growing until there’s more zukes that she can handle. Her clever solution will inspire your little gardeners to get their hands dirty and to share and share alike.
A Day at the Market by Sara Anderson
Seattle’s famous Pike Place Market comes to life in this fun book that includes peek-a-boo cut outs and lots of little surprises inside. It will very likely result in your next visit to the the farmer’s market (or produce section) becoming a tiny symphony of imagined voices, which should buy you enough time to load up your basket. Author Sara Anderson’s toddler books, Fruit and Vegetables are also great reads and have recently been released in bi-lingual editions.
What’s your favorite vegetable-inspired book for kids? Tell us your recommendation in the comments below!
—Amber Guetebier & Pat Tanumihardja